Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Feedback on Visual Essay Briefs

This is some general feedback to all students on the briefs you have written for your visual essays. Some of the ideas are well articulated. Others need a lot more development.

Many (though not all) of the briefs are hastily written without much thought or planning. If you believe you've done this now is the time to work on your idea. The essay will be assessed in terms of process as well as product.

In general there is hardly any reference in the briefs to films, articles or books that you have read in class. You need to indicate in your brief how a book/film or discussion that you have read, viewed or heard during the course or outside of it influences your ideas for the essay. You also need to identify a target audience for your essay ('everyone' is not acceptable - a work of art or a design rarely speaks to everyone).

You need to bring in two or three draft ideas which you will explore further and not just one.
Lastly, you are all design students but not everyone has used visuals in their brief. This is very surprising. You need to use a variety of relevant visuals in your brief (sketches, photographs, images, film) and to refer to them in the written text. Overall, many of the ideas are strong but need to be developed much further.

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