Thursday, July 28, 2011

Stand straight so they see you, Speak clearly so they hear you, Sit down quickly so they remember you: The Art of Making a Good Presentation

Delivering a good presentation is an art. Here are some basic tips on presentation skills:
  • Structure your entire presentation around one argument or main idea.
  • Think through your introduction and conclusion - both should be relevant to your main idea.
  • Develop on the details of the main idea as you go along.
  • Less is more! Keep text to a minimum.
  • Use images appropriately to convey your ideas.
  • Use colours that are easy on the eye.
  • Avoid reading the text from your slides; instead use them as a cue.
  • Intersperse formal points quotes, anecdotes and stories that are relevant to your argument.
  • Speak clearly and succinctly. Avoid fillers such as 'uum' or repetitive words such as 'basically', 'alright' or 'okay'.
  • Rehearse in front of an audience or before the mirror.

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